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letter: results 1–6 of 6

Letter to Thomas Higginson on 15 April 1862  by EMILY DICKINSON

12 September 2005
Vol. 5, No. 3
nonfiction, cover letter

Are you too deeply occupied to say if my Verse is alive?

The Mind is so near itself—it cannot see, distinctly—and I have none to ask—

To Charles Brown on November 30, 1820  by JOHN KEATS

14 May 2005
Vol. 5, No. 1

here is one thought enough to kill me—I have been well, healthy, alert, &c, walking with her—and now—the knowledge of contrast, feeling for light and shade, all that information (primitive sense) necessary for a poem are great enemies to the recovery of the stomach. There, you rogue, I put you to the torture…

To Richard Woodhouse on October 27, 1818  by JOHN KEATS

23 April 2005
Vol. 5, No. 1
nonfiction, poetic theory

A Poet is the most unpoetical of any thing in existence; because he has no Identity—he is continually in for—and filling some other Body—The Sun, the Moon, the Sea, and Men and Women who are creatures of impulse are poetical and have about them an unchangeable attribute—the poet has none; no identity—he is certainly the most unpoetical of all of God's Creatures.

To John Taylor on February 27, 1818  by JOHN KEATS

9 April 2005
Vol. 5, No. 1
nonfiction, poetic theory

…but it is easier to think what Poetry should be than to write it…

To J.H. Reynolds on February 19, 1818  by JOHN KEATS

28 March 2005
Vol. 5, No. 1
nonfiction, poetic theory

I have an idea that a Man might pass a very pleasant life in this manner—let him on any certain day read a certain Page of full Poesy or distilled Prose and let him wander with it, and muse upon it, and reflect from it, and bring home to it, and prophesy upon it, and dream upon it—untill it becomes stale—but when will it do so? Never…

To Benjamin Bailey on November 22, 1817  by JOHN KEATS

19 March 2005
Vol. 5, No. 1
nonfiction, poetic theory

I am certain of nothing but of the holiness of the Heart's affections and the truth of the Imagination—What the imagination seizes as Beauty must be truth—whether it existed before or not…


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