25 March 2005 | Vol. 5, No. 1


23:09:24 One forest says to another forest:

23:09:25 I wanna get some bees going back here.

23:09:26 What kind of beans?

23:09:27 I open a dictionary to the word sad (sad) n. one grave; one toy soldier.

23:09:28 Because people become other people I become other people.

23:09:29 Name's Under Water, nice to meet you.

23:09:30 Paul… Paul…

23:09:31 be•yond (bi yänd´) n. 1. evening or the untethered. 2. one who buries sails.

23:09:32 Director: Give the snow ferns personality!

23:09:33 Beans?

23:09:34 …and Cut!

About the author:

Paul McCormick's work appears or is forthcoming in The Iowa Review, Verse, Fence, Conduit, Barrow Street, Octopus and other journals. He lives in Huntington Station, NY.

For further reading:

See the complete list of work by Paul McCormick at 42opus. Browse the contents of 42opus Vol. 5, No. 1, where "Hypnagogue" ran on March 25, 2005. List other work with these same labels: poetry.

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