2 September 2004 | Vol. 4, No. 3
Attempted Adjective: Aloof
She learned later she'd lunched with a movie
star from Mexico. They'd almost exchanged
Ah! He didn't offer his S.U.V.,
didn't apologize for the deranged
patron to the right, didn't speak beneath
the table or through his lashes. She's proud
to have focused on laying a wide wreath
in the mind. She did not know him, his loud
haircut or the small films his fan spoke of.
She likes a view, but she likes to sit with
her back turned to it. She watches for love,
sees the big breaking sky and its blue myth.
Still, memory itches like a tight sore.
He does have a syrup, but it won't pour.
About the author:
Jenna Cardinale's poems have most recently appeared in Columbia Poetry Review, Octopus Magazine, and Word For/Word. New work is forthcoming in RHINO, Pom2 and Magazine.Art. She lives in The Bronx, where she teaches poetry writing to elementary school students.
For further reading:
Browse the contents of 42opus Vol. 4, No. 3, where "Attempted Adjective: Aloof" ran on September 2, 2004. List other work with these same labels: poetry, sonnet, rhyme.