
is an online magazine of the literary arts.

19 December 2005 | Vol. 5, No. 4

Light Blew Open the Hutch & a Boy Saw It (Part 5)

A bagful of nickels in exchange for a bagful of black detergent that smelled of sliced oranges. They even shook on it. Sniffing the mountain of cocaine hidden in the bathroom piping, the police move up the stairway like a little wind & the boy on the stoop is telling the story of the deer who grow wings & his little deaf friend keeps mouthing, I will not take no for an answer.

About the author:

Joshua Marie Wilkinson is the author of Suspension of a Secret in Abandoned Rooms (Pinball, 2005), Lug Your Careless Body out of the Careful Dusk (Iowa 2006), and A Ghost as King of the Rabbits (New Michigan 2005). He makes his home in Colorado. The other parts to this poem are forthcoming online at Typo.



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