
is an online magazine of the literary arts.

5 December 2005 | Vol. 5, No. 4

[The intolerable sound of starving] from She Writes a Ghost Story

The intolerable sound of starving

birds echoes over the water. Their names

the only source of sustenance fall

from their mouths onto the exposed

arteries half sunk in the sludge.

You pull a name from the river, cradle

it to your breast. It is a twitching egg,

a pitcher of bees you wish to pour skyward.

You imagined this feeling once before.

As a child you crawled into a well

to see how far the darkness would carry

your voice, but you didn't sing.

You sat there like a seed and waited for rain.

About the author:

Erich Schweikher is currently finishing his MFA thesis at Boise State while attempting to resurrect the literary journal cold-drill. He misses Portland, OR with all his heart, especially the friendly people at Rogue and the shade of Forest Park. Occasionally he has nightmares about never leaving Idaho.



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