5 June 2009 | Vol. 9, No. 2

If Given the Chance

Would you search for the source

of god, which is the mouth

and possibly many-tongued,

or for the nest of the swan,

which is a large, open bowl,

a grass house & honest?

The rules for every journey

are written in foreign words

on antiquated maps, the search

best conducted alone

with the beloved at home

lighting the candled windows.

Is the end the moment of discovery

or the return to the warm bed

lined with down?

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About the author:

Sandy Longhorn is the author of Blood Almanac (Anhinga 2006), winner of the Anhinga Prize for Poetry. Her poems have appeared or are forthcoming in Free Verse, Indiana Review, New South, Quarterly West, Redactions, West Branch, and elsewhere. She has received an Individual Artist Fellowship from the Arkansas Arts Council as well.

For further reading:

See the complete list of work by Sandy Longhorn at 42opus. Browse the contents of 42opus Vol. 9, No. 2, where "If Given the Chance" ran on June 5, 2009. List other work with these same labels: poetry.

42opus is an online magazine of the literary arts.

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