Browse: authors: v:

Sarah Vap

Spring Ranch, Nebraska

We find his hair in dried paint, then plant cattails to hide the corn. Inhaling and spitting out gnats she says that by the end he couldn't swallow, choked on spit.

A Large Man and His Family

2 December 2003
Vol. 3, No. 4
poetry, prose poem

A deck of cards on the corner. A sun led steadily away; no better for it. Sitting around in paper gowns. In deep study.

Body on the Mountain

2 December 2003
Vol. 3, No. 4
poetry, prose poem

Several hundred miles of tulips. The fetlock sunk in mud. Doing what we don't need to know about to the steel spines of the violets. To the dog's nipples hanging just off the dirt. To the jade chimes.


2 December 2003
Vol. 3, No. 4
poetry, prose poem

I found the lost ice fisher with his glassed-in face. A human light, a field of frozen water. Wrapped in fur, thinking of his horse. Thinking of something else entirely: Wild cows in a silver wood.

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